About Us

About MTS

The Mogadishu Tech Summit (MTS) is annual gathering that focuses on the need for Somalia government, business community, donors, private sector, entrepreneurs and development organizations to apply innovation and technology to drive a sustainable development, create opportunities for Somalia youth as the country strives towards more stable, prosperous and new frontier for investment.

The summit brings together innovators, techies, diaspora, developers, experts, academia, students, entrepreneurs, startups, investors and digital-doers from Somalia and all over the globe, in order to explore business and investment opportunities, build networks, shape the countries’ economic ecosystem and, most importantly, learn, share ideas and meet new innovators. It will be a space for connection and collaboration.

In short, Mogadishu Tech Summit is groundzero for tech entrepreneurs to showcase their talent and build new future

Of particular interest is that various financial institutions, including banks such as Salaama Bank and Premier Bank has so far launched investment schemes to support youth-led startups and solutions.

About the  Conveners

The Mogadishu Tech Summit (MTS) is conceived by iRise Hub, Somali’s first Innovation and Technology Hub based in Mogadishu. See here further details: www.irisehub.so.  The summit is part of iRise Hub’s core commitment to build and strengthen the local ecosystem and create platform for opportunity and connection.

The summit partners with government of Somalia, particularly Office of Prime Minister, Mayor of Mogadishu and various development agencies, private sector and investors from different sector, and have offered support in financial and in-kind.

Finally, the summit is further testimony to Mogadishu’s rise and resilience  around the popular hastagh #SomaliaRising and aims at to impact positive narrative about Somalia.


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